Personal life of Top Indian Model Rima Kallingal

Rima was born in India. She was a model as well as an actress. She passed her early education from bangalor and then started degree in jounalist. She was a good dancer when she was three years old. She performed many international stages as a dancer and get many awards. She got married with director aashiq abu on november first two thousand thirteen. This is her lover marriage that is why her family members not agree about this but she got married with him in very simple function which is held in kakkand registration office. When they came in registration office they were in simple dress with their close friends. Her brother signed as a witness of marriage and now they become a officially husband and wife. She told her husband that she started her worked as actress still after marriage and she decided that she would not mix her personal and professional life.

On thirty one  october two thousand thirteen a day before marriage she donated ten lac to poor child that are affected with cancer in general hospital.  She did her good job as an actress and as a wife.  She awarded many awards and famous as film actress.

Personal life of Top Indian Model Rima Kallingal Personal life of Top Indian Model Rima Kallingal Reviewed by Unknown on 22:27 Rating: 5

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