Mink Brar Indian Girls Model

There are lot of indian girls model and actresses . Mink  Brar is one of them she is most famous and popular model and actress. She was born 4 November 1983 is a German- Indian model and producer. Mink is know for her work in Bollywood films and on Indian television shows.She was born in Frankfurt,

Germany to Punjabi parents who migrated from India to German. About her name mink says, “it’s a very unique name. Mink is an animal that  loves water and freedom and is known for her its precious fur. She was raised in Germany. Mink wanted to  be magistrate as a child. She got her education from Germany and  completed a Bachelor’s degree. She has brother named Punnu, who is three years older.

Dev Anand introduced Mink to the Indian film industry when she was 13. She made her debut in the Indian film industry with Dev Anand’s Hinde film like Saat Rang Ke Sapne 1998, Yamraaj 1998, Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rehte Hain 1999,Ganga Ki Qasam 1999, Jwalamukhi 2000, Ajnabee 2001 and etc.Mink was raised in a conservative and protective environment, with her family trying to inculcate in her traditional Indian values instead of western mores.

Her immediate family consists of her mother and brother named Punnu Brar, who is three years older to her. In 2009, she was dating the Prince of Udaipur, Lakshyaraj Mewar. As per media reports, the couple was to get married soon.However, Mewar recently got married to the Princess of Balangir, Odisha.

Mink Brar Indian Girls Model Mink Brar Indian Girls Model Reviewed by Unknown on 23:38 Rating: 5

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