Beautiful Indian Model Priya Anand

Priya Anand is an Indian super model as well as an actress. She has born in Chennai on 17 September 1986. She moved to U.S for higher studies, she studies the journalism and communications. She came back to India in 2008 and then started her modeling career in late 2008 and worked in many TV commercials just like Prince Jewelry, Cadbury Dairy Milk and Nutrine Maha Lacto etc. 
She started her bollywood acting career in 2012 and worked in various bollywood movies like English Vinglish, Fukrey and Rangrezz etc. Priya Anand is very stylish and beautiful girl; her style and beauty make her popular among viewers. 

Beautiful Indian Model Priya Anand Beautiful Indian Model Priya Anand Reviewed by Anonymous on 13:36 Rating: 5

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